Inspired by the gin and juice I was sipping by the pool in Los Angeles, this is the perfect make-ahead summer cocktail.
- 1 Large or 2 Small to Medium Watermelons
- Large Handful Fresh Basil Leaves
- Ice Cubes
- Gin
- To make the watermelon juice, peel the watermelon and puree it until smooth in a food processor, blender or smoothie maker.
- Suspend a fine sieve over a large jug, and let the blended watermelon drain through to remove the grainy bits of flesh. You can stir it a little with a spoon to help it along its way, but be careful not to press the pulp through.
- To mix the drinks, add 3-5 basil leaves to each cup with a good handful of ice and 1 and a half tablespoons of gin (pack a half tablespoon and add three of them to each cup) and top up with watermelon juice.
The watermelon juice will keep in the fridge for up to 48 hours after blending.