5 Items I Travel With That Keep Me Balanced
For the latter half of 2017 (can you believe we’re over half way already?) I’m going to be partnering with the guys at Yushoi (a delicious, healthy, pea based, Japanese-inspired snack) to talk about things that keep me balanced. The past few weeks have been pretty mental for me, what with almost losing my job at the polls, and things are set to get all busy again what with my book coming out in around 6 weeks, so I thought the best way to kick of my series of posts with the brand would be to talk about the things I kept around me when I was living out of a suitcase, working far from home, just to maintain a sense of normalcy and balance.
First: snacks. On Thursday 8th June, which was polling way, I walked 42,590 steps (excluding the ones which basically should have been the same day because I was awake for around 28 hours), which equates to around 29 miles. Things to eat that would keep me going in my bag were essential, and you can imagine that all of that walking would have done me the opposite of good if it had all been fried things and chocolate. Baked pea snacks however? Great for keeping me going up and down hills, from doorstep to doorstep.
Items two through four more more comforts from home. Yes my phone was essential to stay in touch with everyone, but when I was out delivering leaflets by myself at the weekends, keeping my normal routine (almost) by staying up to date with my favourite podcasts was essential. You can find a list of my favourite podcasts here, but my campaign favourites? Note to Self, the Times Red Box and the final episodes of The Cookbook Deal. In other entertainment news, I barely had phone reception or internet for days at a time, so my book in the mornings when I was waiting for my colleague Rosie who I was sharing a room with to get out of the shower, or in the evenings before bed was also essential for staying sane and finding my own space: over the campaign I dipped backwards and forwards between one of the best long form pieces of food journalism I’ve read for a while, Mina Holland’s The Edible Atlas, and a bit geekier, John Stubb’s brilliant biography of the poet John Donne: Donne: The Reformed Soul.
One a slightly more cosmetic note, never underestimate the power of a good tube of lipgloss when you’re barely wearing any makeup and you feel a bit tired and bedraggled. Also, it was sunny a lot and I’m super tan (but not in the right places) so suncream was a must – but this Hawaiian Tropic has a scent that takes me straight back to Venice Beach. Nothing like a spot of nostalgia to keep you grounded!
Keep an eye on Twitter, Instagram and over on my ‘Perfect Balance’ Pinterest board for a few more ideas on how you can bring a bit more balance to your lives. I’d love to hear some of your tips on how you keep grounded during challenging times – my super stressful job is certainly what makes me struggle with keeping a sense of balance in my everyday the most!
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