Places To Eat In Los Angeles: The Sycamore Kitchen
On Thursday afternoon I agreed to meet photographer Nicole Anderson so she could profile me for her new project; The Portraiteer, a lovely blog profiling bloggers and their creative stories and inspirations, accompanied by some of Nicoles beautiful portraits of their meeting. I had a wonderful afternoon shooting with Nicole, but more on that later. For now, I want to talk about the place we met. She let me choose the location for our meeting, and as I’d seen a couple of delicious dishes popping up in my Instagram feed all tagged as being taken at ‘The Sycamore Kitchen‘, I agreed to meet Nicole at this lovely sounding and very photogenic eatery in La Brea for a bite to eat and a chat before we headed out to take photos.
While I managed to restrain myself in the end, when I was at the counter to place my order, I had it in my mind that I was going to pick up some of their delicious and mouthwatering cakes and pastries to take away with me; how amazing do these look? In retrospect, I regret not sampling a piece of that Coconut Layer Cake.
I always love photos people take and post on their blogs, or their Instagram feeds of cappuccinos, but I myself don’t drink coffee, so I was excited when Nicole ordered one that I could happily shoot away at. I think it is just that mass of smooth yet light foam with the different shades of coloured swirls on top that just captivate me.
For my refreshment, I had one of their house specials; Ginger Limeade. It was absolutely delicious, something I’d recommend picking up if you happen to be passing. It is rapidly becoming a simple fact in my mind that to have a delicious pressed juice, ginger must be added to the mix in some shape or form to give it that kick.
Usually when I’m visited a place to review, I like to scope out the menu online first, so I arrive at the restaurant or the cafe with a good idea of what I’m going to order. I was thinking a salad, but that idea went right out the window and spied an item that seemed both delicious and slightly unusual that I must have overlooked. I ordered the Roasted Chicken Breast, Green Olive Tapenade, Meyer Lemon Confit, Tomato, Frisse and Mayonaise on Country Bread. I think it was the lemon that struck me as an unusual addition, but its balance of sharpness and sweet in every bite made it the very best bit of the sandwich.
I’ve borrowed this photo from Nicole’s Instagram Feed. It perfectly demonstrates what it is like to go out to eat someplace with me. Not only do I have to get my massive DSLR camera out of my bag to take photographs of the food and the restaurant for the blog, but I have to whip out my iPhone to Instagram my meal too!
Finally getting to bite into that sandwich; it was delicious, the lemons really added something to it, and I don’t think I can remember the last time I had a sandwich that good. And for my readers in my hometown of Canterbury, yes I mean this sandwich was much better than anything you could possibly put together from C.J’s or Canteen. My only qualm with it was it was quite a messy eat, the sandwich dripped quite a bit, so god knows what I looked like trying to eat it while I was trying to respond to interview questions at the same time!
Angeleno’s, have you visited The Sycamore Kitchen yet? What is your favourite item on their menu? The Sycamore Kitchen can be found at 143 South La Brea Avenue, just below West 1st Street.