Weekly Love: the one where I published my second cookbook

1. Finally publishing my second cookbook, One Pan Pescatarian! Have you got your copy yet (ad)? | 2. My recipe for Barbecue Salmon Tikka Skewers with Easy Raita, new over at BBC Food. | 3. Recipes from One Pan Pescatarian in The Sun on Sunday – so amazing to see my recipes in the weekend papers! | 4. Another BBC Food recipe of mine that is perfect for summer: Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad. | 5. A career highlight, one to tick off my ultimate goals list: recipes from OPP serialised in the Eat! pull out in The Times. |6. One of my favourite comfort foods from OPP, Dhal Baked Eggs with Chickpeas (pg 60).

What have you been finding small pockets of joy in this week, and what have you got planned this weekend? I’m having another quiet one with my books but if the weather is okay I do want to try and make it down to the water for some fish and chips!

For more like this, don’t forget to sign up to my monthly newsletter (and get my free Quick & Easy Weeknight Recipes eBook) which hits your inboxes on the first Sunday of each month packed full of seasonal eats, mini cookbook and restaurant reviews, and other updates! Stay safe!
