Weekly Love – Week 69
+ My Mummy’s birthday. I got her these tulips, and my Dad and I took her for a lovely meal at Deeson’s British Restaurant.
+ Gala Darling gets a Japanese Calgel manicure. It takes 3 hours, lasts 3 weeks, but is bloody amazing!
+ Amy asks if blogging is just about selling your lifestyle?
+ Amy also has written a fantastic post about surviving your first year at university.
+ Getting my hands on my Superdrug points card. I love loyalty cards – they save so much money in the long run, and this one has a mirrored surface for quick makeup touch ups!
+ Carlinn has posted the most incredibly colourful outfit and makeup post I’ve ever seen.
+ Playing around with some of the products in the second wave of the new Benefit b.right skincare collection at the Benefit counter.
+ These songs: She Wouldn’t Be Gone, Honey Bee
+ Having a full fruit bowl on my desk to snack on. When my Mum saw me she said I’d lost some weight off of my face. Apparently this is good, and eating only fresh fruit and Graze Boxes rather as snacks really works! Though, she did bring me these Hotel Chocolate treats that were lovely!
+ Charlotte Jane has written a really thought provoking post about staying in contact with people.
+ Watching The West Wing in my study breaks.
+ Extremely alcoholic chocolates.
+ More from Gala Darling: I love this documentary about her and her blog.
+ Having some lovely conversations with Gem the many times I ran into her this week!
+ Taylor Swift’s new music video ‘Story of Us’ – I went to a school like that!
+ Doing jigsaw puzzles with my English teacher’s three year old.
+ A history of the red soled shoe.
+ Katy Perry is making a music video for ‘Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F)’ – it’s my favourite song of of the album, so much so I even asked for the O.P.I nail shade named after it for my birthday!
+ Getting my giveaway package in the post from Jess. The parcel disconcerted me for a moment – our handwriting is scarily similar!
What have you guys been enjoying this week?