Weekly Love: the one where Spring started to appear

1. Cooking a delicious plate of Crispy Butter Beans with Kale, Lemon & Parmesan from Anna Jones’ brilliant new book One: Pot, Pan Planet [ad / gifted] – click here for the recipe! | 2. And one from my book One Pan Pescatarian [ad]: if you like poke, you’re going to love Hwe Dup Bap, aka my delicious Korean Sashimi Salad – find the recipe on pg 156! | 3. And another from Instagram, I teamed up with brilliant Kent food hall Macknade to make these delicious Brussels Sprout Bhajis, made all from local and or sustainably sourced ingredients. Click here for the recipe!| 4. *And* another! If you’re stuck for brunch ideas this weekend, you can find the recipe for my Puff Pastry Brunch Tart here. | 5. Looking for a quick dinner that is just £1 (!) per portion? Find my Hoisin Noodles on BBC Food. | 6. And finally, the BBC Food recipe that has sparked *so* many conversations in my inbox this past fortnight, my Tinned Tomato Soup Chicken Curry!
- I love these tips from The Kitchn for ‘becoming a breakfast person’ because it means I’ll not be the only one some mornings eating leftovers from the night before for my breakfast!
- Okay, so now I want to add a dash of vanilla extract to my next batch of homemade salad dressing.
- I adored Jersey when I visited when I was younger: Yaya and Lloyd’s guide has me wanting to plan another holiday there!
- Here is a helpful guide for what you can keep and what you should throw away from your fridge after a power cut.
- Growing your own fruit and veg this year? Gem has some great tips from stopping the whole enterprise utterly overwhelming you.
- Food52 has published a fascinating piece on how food creators who have previously worked in traditional media are moving online both for income streams and for creative freedom.
- As I am quickly learning (but still loving) having an old house has its challenges: Kate has put together a brilliant guide to buying, owning and renovating a beautiful old tenement flat.
What have you been finding small pockets of joy in this week, and what have you got planned this weekend? Honestly, I’m just happy the weather is starting to improve!
For more like this, don’t forget to sign up to my monthly newsletter (and get my free Quick & Easy Weeknight Recipes eBook) which hits your inboxes on the first Sunday of each month packed full of seasonal eats, mini cookbook reviews, and other updates! Stay safe!